Why practising yoga is easier than you think!


What immediately springs to mind when you think about yoga? 

Perhaps it’s a group of women, dressed in lovely leggings, in a light airy room surrounded by exotic plants. Or a sequence of tricky poses, including headstands and one-legged balances, where no one ever falls on their face. Or maybe it’s thought of those props that can look a bit daunting, leaving you wondering whether you need blocks, straps and a bolster to properly “do yoga”.

For some, yoga does mean all of the above. And that’s ok, they’ve found the type of yoga that works for them.

But what if that type of yoga doesn’t suit you? Can you still practice yoga?

The answer is simple: yes, of course you can! 

If you’re keen to explore yoga, but are still fairly new to the idea, it can seem a bit intimidating. But that’s because the whole concept is often misunderstood. The fact is, yoga isn’t exclusively one thing, it can mean different things to different people. 

So what do we mean? Well, it can mean doing some simple stretches in your PJ’s to release tension, no leggings required. It might be deep breathing exercises whilst you’re taking a shower, or it can even be as simple as focussing on making your out-breath longer than your in-breath.

Yoga, you see, is not just a physical practice. Yoga has emotional and spiritual elements to it too. It can mean looking after both your body and mind, whether that be through diet, movement, mindfulness or exploring the intimate relationship you have with yourself.

A couple of simple suggestions

So if you’d like to explore some of what yoga has to offer, have a think about what you need most right now, and consider whether you’d like to:

Carve out some “me time”

What do you love doing the most? Have a think about what makes you feel really content and jot it down. Then, each day, try and take the time to do a little of what you love. Even if it’s only for five minutes, it’s a great start. By recognising what you enjoy, and then taking the time to nurture those needs, you’re already practising the art of yoga.

Find a little peace

Many of us struggle with some form of anxiety, high-stress levels, panic attacks or insomnia. So find five or ten minutes a day to sit, drop your shoulders and breathe. If you feel like it, try a simple meditation, like a body scan, to help you feel grounded. You can make your surroundings special with essential oils, cosy blankets and soft lighting.

Increase your flexibility

If you’re a little out of practice when it comes to being flexible, please don’t worry! Start off small with some simple stretches to get your muscles moving. Don’t compare yourself to others and remember that flexibility comes with time.

Nourish your body

We all know that eating well is good for us, but it’s not always that easy is it? Rather than focussing on cutting out foods, focus on what you can add to your diet in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish your body and make you feel good.

So if you’re new to a lot of these ideas, start off slowly, without any pressure or expectation of “doing it the right way”. Remember that yoga can be for everyone, just make it about what you enjoy and what feels right for you.

Sam Colyer

Lorna Holloway